Where are you??????

I remember when Dubai mall was officially opened. It was said to be the largest mall in the world, don’t know if that's true (you Google and find out). I decided that I'd make time to go visit, but never really made time, mainly because I didn't want to go alone. March 2009-I think, my awesome friends decided to organize a belated birthday dinner for me at the T.G.I.Fridays in Dubai mall, and I thought to myself, 'now I get to go with awesome company'. We all then decided to request for the morning shift in our various departments, on that day.

Once we got there at 7 pm, we decided to look around before heading for dinner. They say time flies when you're having a good time, and they (whoever 'they' are), were right. With over 1200 retail shops, about 200 F&B places, not forgetting many other guest activity/entertainment spots, we did not make to see it all but we'd seen quite a lot 2 hrs later. We then decided to locate T.G.I.Fridays as we were now starving. Since we'd spotted it earlier while doing our rounds, we thought we'd remember where it was. We kept going round in circles before finally deciding to locate one of the mall maps to find it. By this time (45 mins later) we were all very tired, hungry and not talking to each other. We finally located T.G.I.F's and enjoyed our dinner on the terrace while watching the dancing fountain, as they played the Lord’s prayer in Swahili (yeah I had to say that). No matter how many times I went back to Dubai mall after that, I still couldn't locate most shops by memory, I had to check the map first, or inquire at the information desk.

The first thing you look out for on the mall maps is the box that says 'You are here'. When you know where you are, then it becomes easy to figure out how to go to where you want to go to.

They lied about Dubai mall being the largest. Life is the largest mall ever! And we all get lost from time to time. To figure out where we're headed to in life, we need to seek God on the reason why He placed us here. To figure out how to get there, we need the help of the Holy Spirit and the Bible, just like we need the info desk and the mall maps in the malls. Sometimes we Christians feel like we can find our way through the maze, now that we're born again or have been born again for long.

About a year ago I reconnected with a former college mate. Our reason for linking up was purely for business. He was setting up a new company and needed my help plus connection to my network, and I needed a job as well as a connection to his network. We ended up going for many meetings together hence we hung out a lot. As a Christian, I told myself that we were just business associates and that I could keep myself in check, despite God warning me on spending too much time with him. Casting Crown band has a song called ‘slow fade’. Drifting from God doesn't just happen suddenly; it’s a slow fade based on our daily decisions. It doesn't matter how anointed you are, if you’re not careful you will fall!

Don't be so naive and self-confident. You're not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence; it's useless. Cultivate God-confidence. {1 Corinthians 10:12 MSG} 
Like with my pals at Dubai mall, I didn't consult the map until I was almost completely lost. Things almost got out of hand as we got emotionally attached. I went back to the Holy Spirit. I apologized for ignoring Him and sought direction. I had to figure out where I was first; how far I’d drifted, before figuring out where to go next. With that I had to cut lose that relationship. As much as I was benefiting from it, it was not worth losing my relationship with God for. I then got people rooted in God, to be accountable to.

Sometimes we tell ourselves that now we can handle another similar situation should it present itself. Well once again I reconnected with another college mate recently, again for business. He’s actually helping me set up systems and structures for my God-given purpose. This one happens to be someone I dated back in 2005. After the first meeting, about three weeks ago I knew I couldn't handle this business relationship alone even though the meeting was strictly about business. Trust me; you don’t want to play macho man. You’ll fall before you know it! The truth is, you can’t do it on your own, and you need God’s help, even when it was He that connected you to this opportunity/relationship. Since after retracing my steps from the first incident, I've been in constant communication with God, and alert to His directive. I'm not making the silly mistakes I made before! 
I usually tell God to bring to a screeching halt, any opportunity or relationship that could cause me to drift from him. I also ask Him to enable me to discern what’s from him and what is not, and to also enable me to let go of anyone/anything He cuts off from my life. I’m almost done working with my friend, and I thank God for keeping us in check up until this point.

The Bible tells us that we have an internal, alive, hi-tech G.P.S/247 customer care executive, called the Holy Spirit. It also says that He dwells in us and will NEVER leave us (John 14:16-17) and that He will guide us in ALL TRUTH. (John 16:7-15). But like with the car/phone G.P.S, we need to consult with him on enabling us figure out the map (the word of God).

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever. The Spirit of Truth……. {John 14:17 AMP}

The other day I heard Pastor John Courson say (Not his exact words)
Whenever you lose your way and don't know how to go back, retrace your steps to before you got lost. Back to the point where you and God were tight. Then redo that thing that you were doing before, that had made you intimate with Him, (prayer, worship, bible study etc) and you'll find your way back.

We all mess up, Christians and non-Christians alike. But no one wants to talk about it, especially we Christians. We want to sweep everything under the carpet and act like nothing happened, then try to jump-start ourselves from that point hoping it will all go away. Others decide to continue going the wrong way coz they don't believe they'll ever find their way back. (That’s a fat lie from the devil!)

What you need to do, is retrace your steps to the mall map, find out where you're at first. When you fall don’t stay down, dust yourself up and retrace your steps. It doesn't matter how far you've fallen, your internal G.P.S can get you back on track.

Go back to the Map and activate communication with your G.P.S!  


  1. This is so powerful Loise.... I love it. You've spoken to me.

  2. u forgot to mention your business partner was married still is.Me and nduta forgave you.Christ forgave us thats why i forgave you.

    1. You're right, he was married to you. Sorry for the drama, and thanx for the forgiveness. I forgave you guyz too. Hope you've been well, stay blessed!


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