Hi beautiful people. It’s exactly
two months since I left you to catch up on your reading, of my past blogs. I hope
everyone is now up to speed J J
How are y'all doing? I have missed
Happy New Year!!!
A lot has happened since I last
blogged! Let’s see what I can remember.....
ü I passed my school of ministry project and will be
graduating in April (yeeey!);
ü God brought an awesome man in my life (who I won't tell you
about for now);
ü Kenya celebrated 50yrs of independence;
ü I turned a year younger (and had the best birthday ever!);
ü We ushered in a new year;
ü God gave me different random opportunities to speak into
other people’s lives;
ü I got hosted by this awesome family for 3 days and two
nights and was blessed by how they allowed me to pour out my heart to them and
how they each spoke blessings and encouragement into my life. I was also
blessed and encouraged to hear what God has been doing in their lives >> adventures
of faith!;
ü Was invited to, met and was embraced by this awesome family
belonging to New Breed Chapel - from the senior pastors (Pastor Erick and Vicky
Mwangi) to fellow congregants (their love and warmness towards me has been so
ü Got hosted for two nights and 3 days by one of my gurls,
who reminded me how to live like the princess I am, as well as encouraged me by
sharing what God has been doing in her life >> more adventures of faith!
ü Helped a friend write an article for her magazine…..
....and eeeeerrr.... that's the
little I can remember for now.
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This season God has just been teaching and reminding me of
the power of praising and worshipping Him in crazy situations. It’s been a
tough season, full of discouragement due to doors of opportunities slamming in
my face, pressure from family, financial strain, making hard decisions, slight
health challenges and times when I had no words to pray due to frustration. But
through it, God has been strategically placing people in my life who've been
awesome pillars to me in diverse ways. I truly appreciate every one of you! I'm
not going to mention you by name, lest I leave out someone's name by mistake.
God has also been teaching me the importance of praising
Him, not only in the good times, but also in the bad and ugly.
Praise and worship is not an option but a mandate from God
everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the
Lord! (Hallelujah!) {Psalms 150:6 AMP}
And you
shall love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart and with your
entire being and with all your might. {Deuteronomy 6:5}
Loving God, as in Deut 6:5, requires your complete surrender
to Him, and this is worship.
I'd like to encourage you, to practice praise and worship in
whatever situation you're currently in, even when you don’t feel like it, and
see if God won't open the gates of heaven over you.
(Read Joshua 6 and see how in praise and obedience to
praise, God brought down the walls of Jericho)
So what’s the difference between praise and worship????? Let
me first tell you what it is not.
Praise is NOT a fast song, and NEITHER is worship a slow
Praise is the expression of gratitude-thanksgiving, as well
as to glorify and extol a person. While worship is the honor, respect and worth
that you give to someone. The two find expression in each other, hence why it’s
almost impossible to have one without the other. Both can be done through
speech, song or action-or even all combined.
Praise & worship is a lifestyle we should adopt as part
of what we do to grow in intimacy with God. It stirs up your faith and
strengthens you to go through each stage of growth that God takes you through.
It also helps in sharpening your ability to hear God in all the craziness that
life throws at you and stirs up in you a boldness to step into what God is
ushering you into in each season. It also touches the heart of God, causing Him
to move in your favour.
You don't have to be an award winning singer to praise and
worship God; He enjoys it as it is from you, plus like I said, it’s not limited
to song only. You can; sing, shout, make a joyful noise, clap, dance, hum a
melody, play an instrument, lie prostrate, lift your hands….. I mean, there are
so many ways to praise and worship our God! And there are many benefits that we can only
access, through the avenue of praise and worship. And guess what????? God also
honors and rewards obedience.
I know it sounds like an impractical theory but what will it
cost you to do it and experience its practicability? I dare you to do it
starting from today, and share here what your experience has been. Don’t limit
it to only when you’re able to do it with others, make it your personal
lifestyle because your walk with God is exactly that - personal (Philippians
If you have no clue where to start you can start by playing
some of your favorite worship songs on your phone, radio, iPod, car radio etc
and sing along till it grows to a place where it comes out effortlessly from
you regardless of whether there's music playing or not.
For me so far I’ve experienced divine peace and rest in the
craziness and God has brought in my life some awesome divine connections. I perceive
there’s more to come and I’ll be sharing in the coming blogs.
The Saints and the move convention, hosted by the Joshua
Generation Ministy, is happening
tomorrow from 2pm along Nyerere road, at the St. Andrews church new hall. It's also the month of Praise at the New Breed Chapel,
on Kiambu road, at Evergreen gardens. Sunday service begins at 10:30am. Come
let’s worship together!
I dare you to praise….. I dare you to set apart time daily,
to just worship God!
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