About two weeks or so ago, I house sat my friend’s house for about ten days. The offer came when I desperately needed some time alone, away from the daily routine. My days at her house were spent lying prostrate before God in prayer; wondering about my future and prophecies about my life; wondering how the competition would turn out; reading a book; crying out of the frustration I was experiencing; listening to sermons and watching a few movies.

I stumbled upon the movie ‘Inception’ in her collection and decided to re-watch it. The first and last time I’d watched it, was on big screen in August 2010, and couldn’t decide whether Leonardo Dicaprio was awake or still dreaming in the end. I decided that this time I was going to pay careful attention from beginning to end.

Leonardo plays a thief who steals corporate secrets from people’s minds, through the use of the dream sharing technology. He’s then given an assignment on the inverse, i.e. to plant an idea in the mind of a CEO, using the same technology. The plan being; planting the idea so deep in this CEO’s mind, that he embraced it as his own. That he wouldn’t tell that he was actually dreaming within a dream, and that the idea had originated from an outside source. And when he woke up, he’d execute the idea as his own.

Now interestingly, what caught my attention is the trouble in which he went into executing this assignment. He went into great lengths to assemble a team of diverse experts to help him. The team took time to study their subject, brainstorm on and design different dream scenarios as well as run several dream sharing tests, in order to ensure that all would go well during execution.

It got me thinking of how we get random thoughts in our minds. Today in church Rev. Vicky said this in her sermon; that 98% of the human thoughts are repetitive, and 80% of those, are negative. So, where do all these negative repetitive thoughts come from, I asked myself. And this took me back to the days of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, the inception of devilish thoughts in man’s mind. The devil, disguised as a serpent, cunningly plants an idea in Eve’s mind. He doesn’t use the dream sharing technology; his is a sneaky questioning technology that leaves Adam and Eve unable to explain how they bought the lie to disobey God. And since they can’t explain, they play the blame game.

Image result for the mind is a battlefieldBoth God and the devil cannot execute something on earth without using human beings; hence the human mind is what they both aim at-it all begins in the mind. In the Old Testament we see God giving instruction to the Israelites that they should keep God’s word in their hearts, and meditate upon it night and day. And we can read what happened to them when they did not. We also see Paul in Romans 12, asking us to renew our minds, so that we may prove God’s will. God’s will is what we’re here for, our purpose, our identity. At any given point, either God’s word or the devil’s schemes, occupy our minds; hence why it is said that the greatest battles are fought in the mind. We need to be so alert about what happens in our minds, as well as careful as to what we allow in.

Just like with the inception team, the devil and his minions are always at work; to rob you of what God has planted and plant what is not of God. Why? Because if every person was to know in depth, their identity in God found in His word, and act on it, then the devil would be in so much trouble. That’s why he began with Eve the mother of all humanity, and the mind invasion still continues.

Now you know where the 80% of negativity comes from. In the parable of the sower in Matthew 13, verse 19 says that the evil one comes to snatch away the message of the kingdom sown in the heart of those who fail to understand it. That is, those who fail to act on what they’ve read and heard from God. He does this through many avenues, for instance, making you question that word like he did with Eve, or influencing you to get a ‘more logical’ solution/conform to the world’s way etc.

I know I have, in more than one instance given the enemy freedom over my mind, and have found myself frustrated, wondering where God is. No one is exempt from this battlefield, hence when Paul tells us to renew our minds, he says “…be transformed by the renewing of your minds…” This means that it’s an ongoing process. We should constantly choose to meditate on God’s word on a constant basis, millisecond by millisecond, until we become fully transformed into the image of God. If we don’t, the team is working so hard to rob you of your identity and inheritance.

Let’s purpose to guard our minds by finding out the inception of what we’re thinking about at any given time. If its root is not in God, then it has to go, and if it’s of God, then the seed needs to be nurtured to maturity.
